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About us

bussola_home.jpg Enterprise Shipping Agency, originally called the “Bradshaw Agency” was founded in 1947 and named after Frank Leslie Bradshaw, a British RAF Colonel. The company has since been operating as ESA in the crew management sector for more than 70 years.

Today ESA is the only Italian based “One Stop Shop” in shipping management.

ESA provides for the complete management of all vessels.  With the aid of our technical department Norbulk  Enterprise Ship Management (NESM) we handle technical and safety requirements according to International standards. ESA’s qualified professionals will ensure you receive excellent consulting services. Our group mission is to support our customers in providing the best vessel management whilst also maximising efficiency and minimising operating costs.

ESA CLUSTER - shore-based personnel recruitment

logo_esa_cluster.jpgESA CLUSTER is the Department of Enterprise Shipping Agency that deals with the research, selection and relocation of shore personnel in the maritime sector.

It is authorized by the Ministry of Labor (*) to carry out the job agency activity on the national market with three clear objectives:

  • Satisfy the demand for employment and professional specialization that comes especially from companies in the maritime cluster;
  • Intervene at the request of companies, associations and institutions, with the primary aim of relocating workers on the move so as not to disperse their professionalism and to offer other companies the opportunities to integrate their human capital by benefiting from the legal incentives where provided;
  • Support the internationalization processes of companies in the context of the globalization of the labor market, offering advice and assistance on the recruitment and management of human resources employed abroad.


ESA CLUSTER seeks and selects administrative, commercial, technical and operational personnel, both managerial and non-managerial, for all levels of professional and contractual framework, coming from previous work experiences in other companies and autonomous or at the first job. On specific assignment of companies, he carries out consultancy activities aimed at:

  • identify suitable professional candidates to fill a job position, including: definition of the required job profile, definition of prerequisites, skills, abilities and attitudes of the ideal candidate;
  • planning the search for candidates on the labor market through a plurality of channels and contacts;
  • formation of the shortlist of candidates with appropriate pre-selection, evaluation and matching tools;
  • planning of any preparatory training activities for insertion;
  • assistance in entering the company



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(*) Aut.Min. prot. n.13/11/0012080/MA00,10/08/2011-Iscrizione Albo Informatico Nazionale Agenzie per il Lavoro, Sez. IV

Crew recruitment

For over 75 years, the Enterprise Shipping Agency has supplied entire qualified crew members to be embarked on every type of vessels and over the years it has specialized in the search and selection of certified and professional personnel through head hunting to meet the need for one-off candidates.

We provide our many years of experience in the selection of the officers or support members for those companies that do not require entire roster but are looking for specific qualified personnel.


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English test

english_test.jpgThe crews of ships trading internationally, must necessarily carry out communications of navigation and safety with people who may not be able to understand their language.

Any type of information should be simple, clear and unambiguous, to avoid confusion and errors.

In 1973 the IMO Maritime Safety Committee established English, as an international language.
Under the International Convention on Standards of Training for Seafarers, 1978, the ability to understand and use words in the English language is required for certification of officers in charge of a Navigational Watch..

Estimate your level of knowledge of English with this quick test


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